Thanks to Joseph Sinclair's tip to use: sudo apt-get clean
I have plenty of space now, but I still can't print an .odt
document with an image in it ... but I can print .odt docs
with text in them okay.

HL2270DW-2760 joe 331776 Sat 13 Mar 2021 01:38:00 PM MST
HL2270DW-2767 joe 114688 Mon 15 Mar 2021 12:20:33 PM MST

And the .odt document is not even that big:
-rw-r--r--  1 joe 202472 Mar 13 13:23 pat-counter.odt

Here is my current df with plenty of available space:
t420: df
Filesystem     1K-blocks     Used Available Use% Mounted on
udev             4006644        4   4006640   1% /dev
tmpfs             805480     1568    803912   1% /run
/dev/sda1       19091584  7087224  11011492  40% /
none                   4        0         4   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
none                5120        0      5120   0% /run/lock
none             4027392    28100   3999292   1% /run/shm
none              102400       20    102380   1% /run/user
/dev/sda6      101787928 33536444  63057760  35% /home
overflow            1024       44       980   5% /tmp

On 2021-03-15 12:34 am, Brian Cluff via PLUG-discuss wrote:
If your root drive is still almost completely full the print job is
probably not printing because the print system is trying to write a
temp file with the print job in your printers native language which
can be quite large and running out of space to write it.
You're probably seeing small and simple print jobs succeed while
larger print jobs with images are failing.

I once had someone complaining that her 22 page document was taking a
very long time to print to a network attached printer.   It turned out
that the 22 page document because of some bad formatting and large
embedded images had to be turned into an 800+ meg file in order to be
printed and then that file was having to be sent over a 100Mb
connection which just plain took a few minutes to complete the
transfer of the entire document to the printer, making for a very slow
print.  Since it was a document that would be printed a lot, the fix
was to recreate the document in a way that minimized the actual print
file size.

Brian Cluff

On 3/14/21 8:40 PM, joe--- via PLUG-discuss wrote:
Thanks John (and all) ...

Now the display of different backgrounds on different
desktops (which had stopped working) has mysteriously,
and spontaneously started working again, even though
I made no changes.

And Libre office, which was knot working, has started
working again, again, even though I made no changes.

But now Libre office will print .odt documents with
plain text in portrait mode, but it will not print
an .odt document in landscape with an image in the

PS: I have Mint 17.2 Mate with Brother printer HL2270DW

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