Am 03. Oct, 2007 schw�tzte Michael Sammartano so:

I would strongly recommend that before they shoot off about the
resources being used, that they read the linked article. Any anger
should be directed to the US Senate. The article states that the
Senate has done little to nothing to make the public aware of the

The Senate? The word Senate doesn't appear in the article. Do you mean

past tests. It also states the House is demanding the Senate answer
them in regards to the past tests. The States have NOT been made
aware of the Fed's findings and have also not been updated. The local
agencies involved in this test are doing nothing more than they are
told, and as a result get the proper training they need for a worst

Actually, the locals in US-AZ are doing more than they're told, so they're
better prepared :).

cased scenario, regardless of wht the US Gov't finds. I can speak for
all Emergency Personnel that the training is necessary to be properly
prepared for such an event. The training involved is costly and fully
accceptable. Just think, the life they are training to save could be
your own family member.

Yes, good training and exercises are important.

Will the exercise actually affect the civilian population?

I participated in a preparedness exercies at Sky Harbor some years ago.
Everything was done on the side and nothing interfered with airport

The black smoke coming off the fire they set probably was a bit
disconcerting for travelers :), but it was well away from the runway and
terminal buildings.

Michael Sammartano
Former Fireman PJFD, NY


former simulated victim :).

PS: Thanks for serving.
#  "The first requisite of a good citizen in this republic of ours is that
#  he should be able and willing to pull his weight."  -- Theodore Roosevelt
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