From: eculbert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Michael Sammartano <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Win98 was not designed to be bootable
>> from the cd, although I do have a few that were made
>> bootable. Also windows will 'NOT' format over ext2 

The only 'Doze98 CD (first edition) I ever had was bootable.
So it's possible, and I *thought* that was the default.

>> utility that erases the existing partition/s or use
>> Linux to create the fat. 

fdisk + mkdosfs -F32 will not just make the CD happy, it'll
save *a lot* of time.  "Format and check" takes forever if
you have a decent-sized disk.  Make sure to get the
partition type right (0x0b for < 8G, 0x0c for > 8G) or the
whole thing will fail miserably after wasting a lot of time.

> Wondering if somehow, no fat partition is being
> detected and instead it is balking at that?

That'd be the first thing I'd try.

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