moin moin,

LOPSA is presenting classes the Friday before SCALE. Here's some info with
registration instructions at the bottom.

The League of Professional System Administrators is proud to announce a
partnership with SCALE, the Southern California Linux Expo, that will
bring LOPSA trainers on-site to provide professional training the first
day of the Expo, Friday, February 8th.

LOPSA will be offering two classes. Austin Godber, Platform Engineer
for JumpBox, a vendor of virtual server appliances, will offer a class
on Virtualization, and Chris St. Pierre, Unix System Administrator at
Nebraska Wesleyan University and a frequent instructor for LOPSA, will
teach about fighting spam with open source tools.

Registration for the tutorials is $300 for the full day. Included in the
price of the classes is a SCALE 6x Full Access Pass, a $70 value.

Additionally, several LOPSA members will be presenting at the technical
speaker sessions the second day of the Expo, including Luke Kanies, author
of Puppet, and Esther "Moose" Filderman, longtime AFS administrator and
evangelist for the OpenAFS project. LOPSA will also have a presence at the
vendor exhibition.

LOPSA President Trey Harris says, "We see events like SCALE as an
important part of the professional development of system administrators."

This builds on LOPSA's success bringing a similar program to the Ohio
Linux Fest in September, and to the past Sysadmin Days programs that
occurred in Phoenix and Cherry Hill, New Jersey. LOPSA plans to continue
to offer both Sysadmin Days training and joint training with existing

For class schedules, registration, and full details, see and LOPSA's web

On the registration page choose the "SCALE 6x Full Access Pass" and that
will take you to a page that will allow you to register for the SCALE
University classes from LOPSA. After choosing to register for "SCALE
University" the full price of the SCALE 6x Full Access Pass will be


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