moin moin,

I had heard this was finally fixed in GNOME and should've gone away 6
months ago[0].

GNOME is still allowing applications to steal focus in my Ubuntu Hardy
8.04 install. I guess it's technically Metacity that's allowing the focus
stealing, but it's all GNOME to me. Apparently Compiz has the same issue.

Just found something in gconf-editor[1]. / -> apps -> metacity -> general
-> focus_new_windows. Apparently they haven't looked at the definition of

This option provides additional control over how newly created windows get
focus. It has two possible values; "smart" applies the user's normal focus
mode, and "strict" results in windows started from a terminal not being
given focus. 

Hopefully strict finally fixes the problem.

Hmm, apparently not. Does X have to be restarted for gconf changes to take

[0] Focus stealing should've not been an issue in the first place.

[1] We shouldn't have to go to gconf-editor to turn on an important
security feature.


#  Nobody grows old merely by living a number of years.
#  We grow old by deserting our ideals.
#  Years may wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm
#  wrinkles the soul.  -- Samuel Ullman
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