Am 18. Aug, 2008 schwätzte Joey Prestia so:

moin moin Joey,

would you let Randy and others at EMCC know that the Avondale Stammtisch
is now the 3rd Wednesday of the month? That's Wednesday this week.

It's across the street from campus, so should also be convenient for the
students ;-).

The Red Hat Academy at Estrella Mountain Community College has the
following classes starting 8-27-08

CIS126DL        LINUX Operating System  3.0 Credits
Introduction to the Linux Operating system. Develop knowledge and skills
required to install, configure and troubleshoot a Linux-based
workstation including basic network functions. Learn basic command line
and Graphical User Interface (GUI) skills.

 CIS240DL       LINUX Network Administration     3.0 Credits
In depth networking based on Linux servers and the Transmission Control
Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) protocol suite. Integrating Linux
servers and workstations into a network environment with multi-platform
network operating systems.

additional classes are here

That link doesn't provide any class listings. Clicking the 'Back to Start'
button brings up the following link.

A search for Linux brought up several classes. Searches for Red Hat and
RedHat didn't return anything.

Taking classes at the Red Hat Academy also allows you as a student to
take the Red Hat Certified Technician (RHCT) test at a substantial
discount but only for those having attended classes here. The curriculum
 is official Red Hat Course Curriculum.

The RHCT is then taken at EMCC?

Director Red Hat Academy: Randy Larson 602-826-6824

Registration Information: EMCC 623-935-8888


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