Joe wrote:
> It's still on the edge of being a rumor (though more are starting to
> confirm it), but it seems like IE8 is going to be the last IE ever. M$
> is looking to replace IE with Gazelle, a new browser they are writing
> from the ground up. Some are reporting that it will use Webkit for
> rendering, but that hasn't been confirmed (and I personally don't think
> it's too likely).
> It all sounds very nice, but they also did the whole "ground up" rewrite
> with vista, and we all know how well THAT turned out. In any event,
> while I have my doubts about it being much of an improvement in the end,
> I look forward to a world without IE!!
> -Joe
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Are they really going to abandon the Internet Exploder name for 
"Gazelle"? It sounds more likely that "Gazelle" is just a codename for 
the project that will be marketed as IE9.
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