Someone who has never known anything but Windoze and who wants to try (or has been talked into trying) Linux wants to do so with an absolute guarantee that their precious Windoze installation won't be hurt or permanently affected. If Ubuntu is the trial distro, that means either a live CD or Wubi. As anyone who has used a live CD for any length of time knows, it's a royal pain. The boot is slow, it runs slowly, if you want to save anything, you've got to be careful to save it to a flash drive, and aside from what you put on a flash drive, everything is new each time you boot. Wubi isn't perfect, but it has the live CD beat all hollow for anything more than a short term look-see. Best of all, if you decide to either do a "real" install or--heaven forbid--dump it, a simple uninstall from the Windoze control panel gets rid of it.

Live CD and Wubi are for those dipping a toe into the Linux water, but neither is a good solution for more-or-less permanent use. So what's all the fuss?


Ryan Rix wrote:
Or, you know, a dual bootable setup is deathly easy with the ubuntu installer and as was pointed out, much safer...

On Thu, Apr 30, 2009 at 10:14 PM, Matthew A Coulliette <> wrote:

I think wubi is a great idea.  It reminds me of the OpenCD project that
had all multi-platform software on it.  The idea was to make it easier
for windows and apple people to gain linux experience.  After having
read this thread, I am thinking about installing it on a friend's
computer.   He has never used linux before, and I think this would be a
great way for him to try it out.


Bishmer Sekaran wrote:
> If it wasn't for Wubi I'd have to use Winblows at work.
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Thanks and best regards,
Ryan Rix
TamsPalm - The PalmOS Blog
(623)-239-1103 <-- Grand Central, baby!

Jasmine Bowden - Class of 2009, Marc Rasmussen - Class of 2008, Erica
Sheffey - Class of 2009, Rest in peace.

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