Sorry LK, originally I did not read [all of] that post from you, from
Mon, Jul 13, 2009 at 3:17 AM
(12 steps, FOSS, etc.);

but now today I did (re-) read it.  Very interesting.

Now, this one (Jul 27, 2009 at 5:02 PM) I have only skimmed through;  but I
did go back, and re-read
the "part of it", that was from
Mon, Jul 13, 2009 at 3:17 AM

...and I still am not sure that I "get" it all, 100%, but
it is interesting.
Mike Schwartz
Glendale  AZ

On Mon, Jul 27, 2009 at 5:02 PM, Lisa Kachold <>wrote:

> On Mon, Jul 13, 2009 at 3:17 AM, Lisa Kachold<>
> wrote:
> > ABELconf Tee shirt idea:
> >
> > Sponsorship: (list of all the sponsors for the con)
> >
> > 12 Steps of Free Open Source
> >
> >    * Step 1 - We admitted Microsoft was powerless over our IT use -
> > that many IT systems had become unmanageable
> >    * Step 2 - Came to believe that a Power greater than Microsoft
> > could restore us to sanity
> >    * Step 3 - Made a decision to turn our IT hardware and phones over
> > to the care of Free Open Software Source
> >    * Step 4 - Made a searching and fearless inventory of our IT security
> >    * Step 5 - Admitted to ourselves the exact nature of closed
> > sources, IT compartmentalization and monopoly restricting wide
> > engineering advancement
> >    * Step 6 - Were entirely ready to support FOSS through volunteering
> >    * Step 7 - Humbly asked everyone to expose these limiting costly
> > shortcomings widely
> >    * Step 8 - Made a list of all areas that Microsoft had harmed, and
> > became willing to find replacement solutions for them all
> >    * Step 9 - Made direct FOSS source, education and training
> > contributions where ever possible
> >    * Step 10 - Continued to take IT source inventory and when
> > processes and programs were too expensive and wasteful promptly
> > admitted it
> >    * Step 11 - Sought to improve our conscious understanding of the
> > truth outside of clever marketing campaigns
> >    * Step 12 - Having had an intellectual awakening as the result of
> > these steps, we tried to carry this message to all others and to
> > practice ethical FOSS principles in all our IT affairs
> >
> I was privately critiqued for this shirt, so I responded:
> Anything is fair game......
> (Thanks for sharing!)
> I doubt very seriously that sarcastic intelligent humor stops anyone
> from doing anything (especially seeking other like minded individuals
> who want a "different way to live" [read "a place to meet women; be
> "big book thumpers" and "drink deep of altruistic personal gain"]); if
> your world view is this black and white simplistic, as to actually
> think that our little humorous analogy with CLOSED SORES (corporate
> computing) addiction would be "bad press" you must not listen to
> current comedians or go to the various Recovery Bookstores and read
> bumper stickers, cards and other joke materials?    {Laugh}
> Evidently you want to wear autistic "should based" blinders while
> righteously partaking in attempts to CONTROL everyone and everything
> that so marks those with the "disease of recovery" since you "get a
> choice today". </dogma>
> There are a great number of other self help (and drug and alcohol
> recovery program) groups:  Rational Recovery, Matrix Based Treatment,
> Self Actualization, & RET, that provide great solutions (that don't
> exchange a 12 Step "group addiction" for the disease).  Simple
> underlying oppression, emotional/physical/mental health treatment are
> also very very successful!
> 12 Step programs for Overeating, Sexual Addition, Drugs, Alcohol
> (although in almost all 12 Step groups, one finds Codependent
> Personality disordered individuals attending the wrong group (for
> example with SA issues, obsessively acting out with drinking or eating
> when oppressed, etc. ).  Statistically psychologists track the
> Codependent family model generationally and incorrectly 12 Steppers
> mis-identify with  behaviors touted in meetings to belong to the
> disease of addiction. In actuality drug use, pseudo addiction, self
> medication present due to many different reasons, the least of which
> is dual diagnosis personality disorders.
> Individual identification often occurs in institutionalized ways in
> recovering individuals, who, usually need, professional medical,
> emotional (counseling/PTSD) and neurochemical treatment, not further
> abuse or anything less than state of the art treatment, which is now
> readily available outside of "support groups".
> All 12 Step groups depend on self perpetuating cultish agreement ("if
> you don't attend meetings you will lapse") and wide identification
> with an outdated addiction model (and membership requires a "higher
> power" who can be trusted to change people places and things as a
> technique for mental freedom over rigid thinking patterns and rage [a
> symptom of trauma reaction forming and PTSD]).
> The addiction recovery philosophy of 12 Steps translates very well to
> closed source corporate reliance on "Microsoft" or a third party.  It
> can show clearly the dependence based on fear,  and expose the
> simplistic lack of technical training, process detail and
> understanding of the "corporation" developed source that causes an
> addiction to lack of personal (company wide) responsibility.
> My sister is a drug and alcohol treatment facility owner.  I wrote her
> website:
> Using the 12 Steps here is not making fun of sexual addiction,
> adolescent trauma, poor family systems, obsessive compulsive
> disorders, borderline autism, food intake and metabolism control
> issues or alcohol and drug addiction.
> --
> (623)239-3392
> (503)754-4452
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