You can remove the .gnome directory Wich should reset gnome only

On 8/5/09, Joe <> wrote:
> Hey all,
> So, a while back, I made a ton of changes to my main user account. I
> removed the gnome-panel completely and replaced it with Avant Window
> Navigator and Stalonetray. They have served me pretty well for a while,
> but I think I want to go back to the default Gnome settings. Default
> session, default panels.... everything; like they were when I logged in
> the account for the very first time
> Is there a way to quickly change all my setting back to defaults? I
> realize I could make a new user or possibly blow away my home dir and
> start totally fresh, but I rather do neither (unless those are the only
> options, of course). I would work backwards and restore the panel and
> such, but I can't seem to find the directions I originally followed.
> Any help is appreciated.
> -Joe
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