Lyle Tuttle wrote:

> At 10:31 PM 8/30/2009, Ryan Rix wrote:
>> > I think only land oners should have the right to vote. I do not own
>> > anything so I would not get to vote.
>>White land owning men? :P
> Ryan, I love 'ya, but:
> As a fat, white, land owner, Country Club Member & a Republican, I
> find this very offensive.  (And yes, I see the <G>, but the statement
> serves no purpose, and in itself could be construed to be a racist
> remark - think about it.)
> Enough of the stereotyping of what some perceive to be truth.  The
> fact is, statements like these serve no purpose except to promote false
> logic.
> I am certain of this:  There are racists of all colors, but not all
> people of color are racists.  (And for you purists:  white is the
> absence of color, but is included in this statement.)
> lyle tuttle

In my defense:

I was making fun of the original statement of the declaration of 
independence "all men are created equal" in that women, african americans, 
poor people, etc, simply did not count. Sorry if anyone took it other than a 
joke as was obviously the case... :(

Bob Holfmann got it, I suppose :)

Ryan Rix

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