moin moin,

we need to update parts of the ABLEconf site. I've done some work on the
Participate page, but I'm certain it has lots of room for improvement.
Same with the about page.

I haven't really looked at the Women in Technology and Business page, but
it certainly needs to be updated.

In general, I need someone to make sure the current pages are no longer referencing the last event. The about page was until this weekend :(.

Please let me know if you will help.

We also need to prepare some press releases.

Finally, if you use, linkedin, diaspora, twitter, facebook, dopplr, yelp, orkut or other social networking or community driven site, we can use lots of help posting appropriately about ABLEconf. Same for blogs.

This week, mention the Call for Presentations deadline being this Saturday.


#  ABLEconf - 2011Apr02 - CfP 2010Jan22 - Free Software for Free Enterprise
#  "Wasted day. Wasted life. Dessert, please."  -- Steven Meretzky
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