For those of you ignorant of REAL life excitement: Ubuntu 11.04 Beta is OUT!!! Oh, boy... :) The part that I hate about this frequent releases, is that they are consistently so much better, that I *HAVE* to upgrade. The part that I love about this frequent releases, is that they are consistently so much better, that I *WANT* to upgrade (or do I?). My first Ubuntu installation ever (I believe to recall) was 5.04 (Yes, I am *THAT* old!) I remember that it blew my socks off, when all I had to compare it to was the Red Hat of the time. It was orders of magnitude better than the best Red Hat, Suse, Slackware or (fill in your distro of choice) of the time. And it was, in short and above all: USABLE! From then on, it became a love/hate relationship. At the beginning I tried both, flat Ubuntu (Gnome) and Kubuntu (KDE). At the end I settled for KDE mostly because I could not put up with the (unavoidable and depressible ugly!) brown Ubuntu motif. KDE was not only blue and soothing, it also behaved more like the M$ stuff that I was used to play with at the time. And so I tugged my happy KDE life for few years, testing and ditching the ugly Gnome every so often and finding specific uses for low power machines running XFCE and lately LXDE.
Until one day...
One day I found that KDE was getting "so helpful", that it was constantly busy being "helpful" while constantly ignoring the attention I craved. They (KDE) installed all this indexes and daemons and hidden processes that rendered the performance of the machine borderline unusable (sounds familiar?) unless you're were running your "Desktop" on a Craig's supercomputer. Beyond my budget and beyond my patience...
So one day some year-and-a-half ago I took another hard look at Ubuntu...
And I pleasantly found out that they had diluted the horrible brown and I could easily manage the interface (look at a recent Mac ? ). I am not sure if I got smarter (highly unlikely) or they dumbed down the interface (entirely possible), but I could actually work with it intuitively (or, as I do mostly everything: without needing to THINK!)
And then I was fat, dumb and happy again (mostly dumb and fat)
And I installed Ubuntu to all my friends and family that I help with computers, and they too were fat, dumb and happy (mostly happy, some fat) And life went on... For a geek that ignores many of the "creature comforts" of a GUI in favor of doing "things" on terminals (like REAL men do! ;-), I regularly become inconvenienced when the GUI makes decisions for me. For instance, just try to install an IP address on a network adapter without the GUI in Ubuntu!
So the "new" Ubuntu is (almost) out.
And as always, I think of upgrading, but in this instance I am not that sure...
You see, now Ubuntu is using "Unity" as the "Desktop" environment.
It's GOT to be important, because even PCWorld and Znet *ARE* talking about it. g_to_ubuntu_1104_natty_narwhal.html &tag=mantle_skin;content
Remember the days when you found "Linux" in PCWorld only as a dirty joke?
Obviously times (and appreciations) are changing...
But anyway, back to the question: Do I *WANT* to upgrade?
Has anybody used Unity before?
Is it an step forward in usability and "coolness", or will it become another intrusive and hyperactive KDE?
Have you use it?
Did you like it?
Is Ubuntu getting better or worse with this Unity thingy?
Stay tuned, I'll fire up a virtual this weekend and will take Unity for a spin.
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