moin moin,

we have a mix of CentOS 5.x boxen. They're currently using ext3 for the OS
and reiserfs for a RAID0 filesystem for fast writing. We have a couple
hundred of them.

We've been experiencing a few kernel panics a month due to reiserfs.

At one point when researching the problem I found statements that reiserfs
( and XFS and JFS ) are not officially supported filesystems for RHEL 5.x
and therefore also not for CentOS 5.x.

With 5.6 ext4 is now an officially supported filesystem.

Is there a list of officially supported filesystems for CentOS?

Any recommendations for a particular filesystem to use with CentOS 5.6 for
fast log writing?


#  Boredom is self-inflicted...der.hans
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