one more thing.... how would I figure out the  user@host name of a windows
with that I'll be able to backup my brothers computer!

On Thu, Feb 16, 2012 at 11:42 PM, Michael Havens <> wrote:

> so wait a second.... could I put fsarchiver on the server and then:
> tar --ignore-failed-read [/mnt/sda1] -czf - | ssh 
> remoteuser@remote.system"tar -xzf - "| "<fsarchiver command>"
> so the tar command will create a tarball and the the pipe will transfer
> the tarball to the server and extract it wich the second pipe will feed
> into fsarchiver. Is that correct? I have a question: what does the minus
> sign in front of the pipes represent?  Well... I know it represents the
> name of the tar ball but.... is it the name? Could I put anything in that
> place?
> and then Enriques command  (tar jcf - /path/to/backup|ssh user@otherbox'tar 
> xf -') would compress a tarball and then create a non compressed
> archive on the server.
> You know... I wondered if I could use scp for this. Investigating the man
> page reveals that this is the program I want to use. The text of the
> command that I should issue I think would be (I want to do this from a
> third computer):
> scp -Cr user1@host1:mnt/sda1 user2@host2:desired/directory/file/name
> I don't know if I assigned a user1 or a host1 name. How can I find this
> out? If I didn't how would I assign one or change it to a more appropriate
> name?
> This is fun!

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