You know how when you hover over certain words a drop down menu appears?
Well that isnm't happening on one of my computers Chrome instances. On a
possibly related note on this same computer some web pages will not load
completely. I seem to remember being advised to disable something for
security but I can't remember what it was or if I followed the advise. The
website is . The first three tabs (home, profile, messages) will
not load fully. Hmmm.... I wonder. I just noticed that the tabs that do not
load fully are the ones that are not pull-downs.

On Tue, Jul 3, 2012 at 2:32 PM, Michael Havens <> wrote:

> I have a slight problem. On one of my computers I have one page that just
> will not load completely. I'm thinking that maybe I enabled a filter or
> something but disabling the filter has no effect. The website is hi5.comand 
> the 'home' tab, the 'profile' tab, and the 'messages' tabs don't fully
> load.
> On a possibly related note.... when I hover over links that show drop down
> menus the drop down doesn't appear
> I wonder, someone suggested disabling something at one time for security
> reasons and maybe that is what I did.... what does those drop downs?
> --
> :-)~MIKE~(-:

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