The code snippet is given below. However, it just does not seem to work :((. The code compiles perfectly but the function create_proc_entry returns NULL everytime :(.
I tried it out on 2.4.20-6 (rh9). It works fine. Maybe you can post the complete code.
#include <linux/module.h> #include <linux/kernel.h> #include <linux/proc_fs.h>
int init_mod() {
struct proc_dir_entry *entry;
char * filename = "spoon";
entry = create_proc_entry(filename,0444,(struct proc_dir_entry *)0);
printk("%s: [%p] \n", "init_mod", entry);
return 0; }
void exit_mod() { return; }
module_init(init_mod); module_exit(exit_mod);
COde: ======
struct proc_dir_entry *entry; char * filename = "spoon"; entry = create_proc_entry(filename,0444,(struct proc_dir_entry *)0); ...
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