I want to install Fedora Core 4. Anyone have DVD/CDs of the same? Also
does Redhat still ship out their documentation CD? Or was that stopped
in Fedora?

Another question I had was I have Fedora Core 1 with g++ 3.2. I am
trying to compile a simple hello work c++ program using cout.
When I try #include <iostream>
The compiler cries that cout isn't declared.
But when I use #include <iostream.h>, it work fine, but with a
deprecated warning.

Here is that program:

#include <iostream.h> //iostream doesnt work.
#include <stdlib.h>

using namespace std;

int main()
  cout << "Hello, World!!" << endl; // I also tried std::cout... wouldnt work.

  return 0;

I read that gcc 2.95 had this issue with namespaces, but that got
resolved post that. So what is the problem here?
Any help would be great! Thanks!
vi vi vi - The Editor of the Beast

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