I'm sorry,i rechecked BIOS Time and other OSs Clock aplt are working great.But ONLY FC4 clock is stopped everytime i shutdown the system,another idiotic thing i did was i adjusted time in FC4 and that changed BIOS time and hence other OSs time also.I think some thing is interferring with the clock applet!For u r knowledge i got FC4 DVD from LiFY which fails to boot in my machine due to some bug.so i tried twice to boot and SECOND time only FC4 DVD booted.These Problems may be peculiar to intel 915 machines?!¿
sreekuttan wrote:

Dear Prakash

i think this's nt related to OS but it related to ur mobo. pleae check all the setting of BIOS in every reboot, if the settings 'll b default this should b related to ur CMOS subsystem

i'm using FC4 but no pblm


On Wed, 27 Jul 2005 Prakash Jose Kokkatt wrote :

THis is another weird problem!AFTER I installed Fedora 4,My PC will show last boot time.I have to manually adjust BIOS clock for correct time during every boot.I am SURE that this problem started happening on my intel915GAV after FC4 installation :(.I even replaced CMOS cell of MotherBoard!(Under Warranty).I am running Sarge 3.1,Ubuntu and M$ XP,they also shows wrong time after FC4.Now am thinking of either remove whole FC4 OS or will anybody help me to find out which program/driver are
interfering the normal function of BIOS Clock?
please HElp? :)

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