Hi Aditya!

> I am trying to install ubuntu 5.04 with a MSI RS480 Mobo, Seagate 80GB
> SATA disk.
> The installation halts with the error as "No partitionable media were
> found. Please check that hard disk is attached to this machine".

I faced similar problem long back. I'm Intel D865GBF mobo. In the BIOS, there 
are options in something like advanced disk configuration section, where you 
can select which disk controllers are to be enabled. Maybe something similar 
is there for your mobo as well. In my case, the problem was that SATA support 
was very basic at that time and the restriction was that max 4 disk ports can 
be enabled and if I want to use SATA, either one of the normal ATA 
controllers must be disabled. The options available were:
Enable all,
S1/S2 and IDE primary,
S1/S2 and IDE secondary,
IDE primary and secondary only,
Disable all.
(I'm recalling from old times so I might not be very precise here. Please 
excuse :-) )

Only then would Linux find my SATA hdd and treat it as normal ATA!!! But 
atleast it worked.

Try something like this, maybe it'll help. Drop me a mail if you need anything 
else. I'll be happy to help.


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