On 14 Nov 2006 10:55:00 -0000, Raseel Bhagat

Hi PLUGgers,
   I have recently got myself a Hathway Broadband connection.
They provided me with an ARRIS cable modem for the connection.
Their Engineer came and configured the Internet on Windows by inputting the 
usual  IP, DNS, Gateway.

However, the same is not working for me on my Ubuntu setup.
I even tried installing Kubuntu (both Dapper Drakes), but still, the internet 
connectivity is not configured.

Has anyone faced a similar situation ? Or has anyone managed to get the 
Internet workig with Hathway Broadband, with the cabel modem ?

Yes, I've seen my friend successfully running Hathway Broadband on Linux.

Is you ethernet card working on Linux? Sometimes they don't work out
of the box due to lack of drivers. Try running
dmesg | grep eth
on the terminal. If you don't get any output, it's most likely your
ethernet card doesn't have the drivers on Linux.
If that's not the problem, check the configuration again (maybe you
accidentally mistyped the IPs or something).



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