Hello everyone:

At Thoughtworks, we like to interact with people from various software
companies, and have a firm conviction in community driven events.
Which is why, we sometimes organize the Geeknights events. We have one
such event earlier this year in Pune (on Feb 10, to be exact). At that
event, we'd held two talks - one on the Google Web Toolkit, and
another on Test Driven Development and Pair Programming as Extreme
Programming practices.

This time, we're conducting an event on a much larger scale. This
event is the Master Class series event which we're hosting in
Bangalore as well as in Pune.

The remainder of this mail contains more details.

I look forward to meeting other PLUG folks and programmers at the event.

Have a nice day!

-- Sriram
Software developer,
Thoughtworks, Pune.

*ThoughtWorks presents -- The Master Class Series*

"Writing and speaking are traditionally seen as the public face of a
company. For software companies there is another vital channel -
software itself. We have always been both enthusiastic users and
contributors to Open Source software. Many ThoughtWorkers spend nights
and weekends working on open source projects, which we encourage as much
as we can. Open source projects are hardly ever controlled by a single
company, so there's little notion of 'ThoughtWorks open source'. Yet
we're glad that our individual contributors have made a big difference
by their work on these projects."  Martin Fowler. Chief Scientist,

We at ThoughtWorks have always believed in sharing knowledge. This has
long manifested itself in many ways including books published
(http://www.thoughtworks.co.in/books) and open source software
(http://opensource.thoughtworks.com) contributed to, by ThoughtWorkers.

ThoughtWorks, a global IT consulting firm with their India offices in
Bangalore and Pune is hosting its annual seminar in Pune on Saturday,
26th May, 2007 at Sun-n- Sand between 10.00 AM and 3.00 PM.

To register log on to http://twi.co.in or email indiaevents [at]
thoughtworks [dot] com

_Refactoring Databases_ - Evolutionary Database Development
_Presenter_: Pramod Sadalage (author of the book Database Refactoring)

For years the norm for object developers was to work in an evolutionary
(iterative and incremental) manner but for database developers to work
in a more serial manner. The predominance of evolutionary development
methodologies such as Extreme Programming (XP), Feature Driven
Development (FDD) make it clear that the two groups need to work in the
same manner to be productive as a team.
Pramod will present material from his 2007 Jolt Productivity Award
winning book "Refactoring Databases : Evolutionary Database Design" on
how to go about doing evolutionary database development and will talk
about the following techniques, Database refactoring, Evolutionary data
modeling, Database testing, Configuration management of database
artifacts and developer sandboxes.

_Evolutionary Testing_ - Adapting to changing applications
_Presenter_: Vivek Prahlad

Automated functional testing is a key technique that allows complex
systems to rapidly evolve without regressing. When a system grows, and
the amount of functionality that the system offers also grows, so does
it's test suite. After a while, a test suite can become as large and as
complex as the system that it tests. Maintaining large test suites needs
the same kind of concepts and principles that enable development teams
to tackle complexity - concepts and principles such as design,
refactoring, reusability, and abstraction. This talk covers the issues
involved with the functional testing of applications that change -
moving targets that need new techniques for testing them.

_Domain Specific Languages_ - Real world experiences
_Presenters_: Akshay Singh Rawat and Sreekanth Vadagiri

A DSL lies somewhere between a tiny programming language and a scripting
language, and is often used in a way analogous to a programming library.
The boundaries between these concepts are quite blurry, much like the
boundary between scripting languages and general-purpose languages. They
are created specifically to solve problems in a particular domain and
are not intended to be able to solve problems outside of it.
In some situations, creating a DSL can hugely benefit a project,
allowing business rules to be defined and changed on the fly, often by
the end-users of the system. This talk focuses on Domain Specific
Languages and how we have used them in a few of our projects.
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