On Dec 20, 2007 9:12 AM, "?????? (Aditya)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Shantanoo Mahajan wrote:
> > On 19-Dec-07, at 10:17 PM, Sarang Lakare wrote:
> >
> >> This is interesting: I recently boarded a kingfisher flight and their
> >> onboard entertainment system was rebooting. Guess what, its based on
> >> linux! The bad thing was the bootup time was really lengthy ;-). It
> >> had kernel 2.6.22 I think.
> >
> > Just wondering what was the hardware they were using :)
> > Maybe it linux was the best for given task on that hardware.
> All commercial airline softwares have to confirm to a standard
>  - DO 178B & from my previous knowledge only LynxWorks have their
> software stack based on linux certified. http://www.lynuxworks.com/

While true for avionics software, inflight entertainment systems has
no such high bar.
Linux still has a limited use in airliine industry when it comes to
drive chain and avionic control.
Although things are changing.

On a related line Singapore airline is also using linux based inflight
systems, and their newest systems let you run openoffice with a usb
keyboard/mouse you can purchase in flight.


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