> Humbly speaking.. how do we know the author's thoughts are not clouded :-)
> Looks more like "Gnu Linux" to me (i mean, "Cloud Computing" :-)
> --

I quite agree with RMS. When we work locally at least data is with us. Cloud
computing followed by SaaS is a dangerous stuff. There can be a lot of legal
issues, for example, two years ago I did a story of Iran where US based
companies were banned for offering any service in the nation. The entire
nation came to knees as from basic emailing to ticket reservation and
everything else depended on MS and other proprietary technologies. Now,
where were they going to get support from? They switched to GNU/Linux and
Free Software and they are building upon it. Now, since the companies
operate globally how and why should the parent nation control that? What if
India refused to sign Nuclear Treaty, and US puts embargo on India Google,
Yahoo, and all US based companies asked to stop operations in India,
everything will come to hault (Though Indian being a software power it may
not happen still). You will lose all the data/appliaction to access that
resideing on servers of those compnies. If you have data locally, you will
still be alive and cicking. In the world of cloud computing/saas, we need
more tranparancy, no vendor lock-in and neutral control of governments for
companies operating globally.

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