
On Wed, Jan 14, 2009 at 5:37 PM, म.हा.सा.ग.र <o.s....@guruvision.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Jan 14, 2009 at 5:31 PM, Devendra Laulkar
> <devendralaul...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>>>> Why point him to 'Tally' when he clearly states that he is looking for a
>>>> 'free accouting package under Linux'.
>>> one has to make sand below the elephant feet move so elephant will
>>> notice need to move... bit difficult but doable effectively...
>> I don't understand. How is an elephant related to Tally ?
> when did you last see an accountant that was willing to work in a
> software other than tally :-)
> how would you get data from tally exported to other format so that
> other OSS & F software could read it correctly?
> the OP asked a Q which has multiple ramifications and answering it to
> the full satisfaction would be a nightmare at best...

I still don't get it. I am unable to comprehend the statement - is the
accountant now the elephant ?

> so i attempted to give the best medicine the doctor deserves :-)

This is even more confusing - why should the doctor be given the medicine.

- A very confused pluggie.

May the Source be with you.

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