On Fri, Mar 13, 2009 at 9:54 AM, Gaurav Pant <gaurav...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi
> (not making a holy/flame war)
> On Fri, Mar 13, 2009 at 9:40 AM, Navin Kabra <navin.ka...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Sorry if what I was misleading.
>> What I really meant was this:
>> 1. There are definitely people in Pune who are not interested in GNU/Linux,
>> but would be interested in JavaScript, other programming languages, and
>> computer sciences in general. Hence, it would make sense to have a separate
>> programming languages and/or topics in computer sciences forum that would
>> attract such people.
>> 2. I'm sorry to have implied that PLUG might have some non-programmers.
>> Maybe all PLUG members are programmers.
> IT was never stated all plug members are programmer/programmers.  PLUG
> members range from simple users, programmers in different areas
> (kernel, web, java, c etc), Doctors, lawyers, NGO activists etc.
>> But I would then ask the question,
>> why doesn't PLUG have non-programmers?
> Have answered that earlier.
>> Shouldn't PLUG be trying to get
>> non-programmers interested in PLUG?
> As I said in my earlier mail you need to be in touch for the
> activities that go in around PLUG.
> Recently a Linux Awareness Program (Batch) was conducted for around 20
> members of Bhagini Nivedita Bank Bank Pune. Almost all participants
> were non members.
> Plug has been participating/coordinating  in events like Gnunify from
> since the initiation of the same.
>> The stated goal of PLUG is to have an
>> GNU/Linux community, and to promote GNU/Linux. Why would you keep out
>> non-programmers?
> If you are just talking about techies -- PLUG has participated in
> evnents like IT expo for last 5 to 6 years.. where we come across
> Generic "Janata"
> So we have been doing the same for a very long time.
>> Shouldn't you actually be trying to encourage
>> non-programmers to join PLUG?
> We do encourage.
> If you have some good ideas, we would appretiate if you could share
> the same with us and also help us implement the same. :)
>> 3. I don't have a very strong opinion either way - so I don't want to
>> convert this into a holy war. I just voiced my opinion, and I will now try
>> to shut up.
> Same here, no wars.
> But mine are not opinions But facts.
>> navin.
> Regards
> Dexter
> _______________________________________
> Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List

Hi All,

>From having attended both PLUG and Pune Tech meetings, I see hands-on
developers, administrators and students working on many platforms
(Linux being their favourite) who participate actively in the PLUG
meetings. And there are folks who are entrepreneurs, application
architects, students who attend Pune Tech meetings.

However in the discussion, the focus should be on the offer Mr.
Kalsare has made - to teach Javascript and other languages. This is an
excellent idea and the PLUG is an excellent platform for technology
education since it has a participation of hands-on geeks - developers
and administrators who dive into a variety of topics all the way from
web development to the operating system.

I would urge the technology community in Pune to work together and
focus on leveraging all platforms as applicable and not descend into
bickering about what could be - such as losing a venue or losing an
audience or losing the speaker.

So I would propose more joint activities by the two organizations
where excellence in technology learning is the focus.

The PLUG as well as the Pune Tech Group both fulfill important roles
in the local technology community - so it is important for both to
work together and not fragment the community.

My two cents....
Alolita Sharma

Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List 

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