On Wed, Jul 22, 2009 at 11:41 AM, Shridhar
Daithankar<ghodech...@ghodechhap.net> wrote:
> If it is application specific, e.g. word or excel, then they do locking
> already(but opening a word/excel file on a share could have performance
> problems).
> Recently OOo has implemented their own locking scheme that works  on all the
> platforms. If it is your own application, then you could take this route too.

1. It is not application specific
2. It is not my own application
3. I don't give a damn about performance

I can't understand why people cannot see beyond their own assumptions!
I think I have already made my requirements very clear. If an inode
(file) has already been opened, all other simultaneous open requests
on that inode should fail, irrespective of the application trying to
open it.

If anyone has an answer to the above question, please reply. Otherwise
please, please do not reply.


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