> From: vaibhav <vaibhav.kha...@gmail.com>
> To: sunda...@fedoraproject.org
> Date: Wed, 5 Aug 2009 09:03:03 +0530
> Subject: Re: [PLUG] Unable to play .WMV files.
> Hello All,
>               Today i tried installing xine using following:
> " yum install xine
>       xine-lib-extras-freeworld
>       gstreamer-plugins-ugly
>       gstreamer-plugins-bad
>       gstreamer-plugins-bad-extras
>       gstreamer-ffmpeg"
> It installed xine successfully. But while playing .wmv file it give
> following error:
> " The stream 'file://root/Desktop/abc/xyz.wmv used and unsupported codec:
> Video codec: Unavailable (MSS2)
>  Start playback anyway?  yes  no"
> could anyone please suggest wether .wmv files can be played?
> --Regards
> Vaibhav

Did you playing the file as a non-root user? Some players have issues
with playing WMV2 players.
Try sudo apt-get install -y gstreamer-plugins-ugly-multiverse

Also add the medibuntu repository on your Linux, it should work.

I don't know if it is only VLC that has issues with root account, or
are there other players who too do not play certain files.


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