On Thu, Apr 22, 2010 at 9:49 AM, Certification Guru
<certificationg...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>From: ?.??.??.?.? <o.s....@guruvision.com>
>> Subject: Re: [PLUG] Linux / Sun Solaris Training
>>On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 10:06 AM, Akshay N. Manke
> <akshay.n.ma...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello All,
>> ? I am Akshay N Manke. Currently working in Microsoft Windows Server
>> Environment and wants to learn Linux / Sun Solaris, can anybody help me
> for
>> suggesting any *Best Person* or any *Best Institute*, that will teach
> Linux
>> Conceptually and Practically.
>> Please Help.
>>> There is no best institute or person to learn Linux from!  That's the
>>> truth.  The journey starts with your wish to learn it and eventually
>>> you learn that you yourself are your best teacher.
> This is not true....
> I am in training from 15 years... teaching Linux for international
> examination since 2006.
> We are dedicated to IT training, please visit http://certificationguru.co.in

Usually Guru's are more to do with knowledge than certification...
Without casting aspersions on your self and/or your instt. your url
clearly (mis)guides that your are possibly expert in certification
process.  I personally would be more happy to learn from somebody who
tells i may not give you that tissue paper but you will learn more
than ever needed to use that paper etc. etc... but again I am not guru
and you are.. so people are well advised to visit your instt.  Sorry
if this sound rude...

१. Stupid question always warrants a stupid answer!
२. Why question the answer, unless question itself is the answer ?
४. No question is ever stupid!

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