
I download “postgresql-9.0.4″ and cross-compile for my embedded board.

I followed this link for installation,


 When I try to start my postgreSQL database its gives me following error:
“FATAL: could not write lock file “/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432.lock”: No space left
on device”

The output of df -h is
$df -h
Filesystem   Size       Used     Available    Use%    Mounted on
/dev/root       3.6G      650.4M  2.8G           18%       /
tmpfs           424.0M   40.0K   424.0M        0%        /dev
shm             424.0M   0         424.0M         0%        /dev/shm
rwfs             512.0K    512.0K   0               100%     /mnt/rwfs
rwfs             512.0K    512.0K   0               100%     /tmp
rwfs             512.0K    512.0K   0               100%     /var

It shows that ‘/tmp’ is full, but ‘/’ is 2.8G free.
I install filesystem on 4GB SD card.

Please help me to solve this problem.
Thanks in advance.
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