On Sun, Nov 17, 2013 at 8:51 PM, Mayuresh <mayur...@acm.org> wrote:
> Looking for online storage options with following perspective:
> - Main purpose - backup.
> - For use with Linux / NetBSD, preferably NFS mountable, less preferably
>   sshfs mountable or at least rsync-able.
> - Sharing contents with others over internet is NOT my requirement
> - Connectivity with mobile devices (or platforms like Android) is NOT a
>   requirement.
> - Plain simple storage service. No bells and whistles like webui, drag and
>   drop and all that is necessary.
> (For above 3 points, if they just come with a service, I won't reject the
> service for that. Just that I don't need them.)
> - Reliable uptime. Will be synced at least daily.
> - (Storage level) encryption necessary: May have sensitive contents.
> - Free/paid, both ok. I'll assess price suitability separately.
> - I haven't arrived at exact space requirements. Roughly it might begin
>   with say 10 GB and may grow in future.
> - Preferably some time trusted service or a brand that can be trusted for
>   A. data security and B. will last long.
> Hope this is not too much to ask for and such services are available.
> Solicit suggestions.

Amazon S3?

-- OR --
Buy a web hosting service with your desired storage with ssh option.
You may have to encrypt at file level.

-- OR --
A VPS with desired storage.  ssh

Arun Khan
Sent from my non-iphone/non-android device

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