On August 20, 2018 6:57:02 AM UTC, G Karunakar <karuna...@geekgod.in> wrote:
>I think we have moderators and no OP.

I think we should sort the OP issues on the channel as soon as possible. 

>Is it bots which are spamming? Could this be due to bots joining
>through matrix.org link? 

Nope. These are not bots joining through matrix.org. These are bots which 
directly connect to Freenode channels and start spamming. 

>I have seen couple joining the channel, posting a link and quiting. I
>assume its not the same nick posting. Maybe difficult to block each
>nick,or perhaps allow known nicks only. 

It is always a new nick posting something and quitting. The best defence we 
have right now is to allow only registered nicks to post to the channel. 

Dhanesh B. Sabane
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