Can you see if you are able to create new personal dictionary before making 
more changes?

What does happen in that case? Where do those new words get saved?

⁣⁣~Goan by Birth, Maharashtrian by Upbringing, Punekar in Arguments...

On 1 May 2019, 8:57 PM, at 8:57 PM, Swarup <> wrote:
>I have installed Ubuntu 18.04; although Aspell is installed and I have
>installed the Hindi dictionary, but I need to install my personal word
>list into the dictionary. I have my custom file hi.cwl, but I am not
>certain where to install it.
>I wanted to try to figure things out myself as far as possible, and I
>found what I thought might be the correct location:
>So I tried removing the file hi.cwl.gz from there, and replacing it
>with my hi.cwl.gz. I have rebooted the computer, started the
>spellchecker in Gedit, and opened a Hindi file and spellchecked it. I
>have also converted an instance of my custom hi.cwl to its hi.wl form,
>opened it in Gedit, and compared the words to those underlined in red
>in my test hindi document. There are lots of words in the hi.wl file
>which are underlined in red in the test document, proving that the
>hi.cwl.gz file which I have installed is not working in the
>spellchecker. I do not know what hi.cwl the Aspell program is using,
>but it is not using the hi.cwl.gz file which I installed.
>I will also add that in my home folder, there is a folder
>/home/swarup/.config/enchant, and in this enchant folder there are
>number of dictionary files including these two:
>I know for a fact that the Gedit spellchecker uses these, as they
>correspond with the words underlined and not underlined in my test
>document when I select spell checker language as English or as Hindi.
>And it was like this in my Ubuntu 14.04 LTS installation as well. But
>it used to use my hi.cwl file as well. I used to regularly open the
>hi.cwl file as an hi.wl and add words to it, and it worked fine. And
>when I would be working in a Gedit file and come across a single red
>underlined word and click on the spellchecker option to add it to the
>dictionary, then it would add it to
>/home/swarup/.config/enchant/hi.dic. In that way, I have 11,000 words
>in this file. But I also have 90,000 words in my hi.cwl file, and so
>the functionality of this file is also vital to the spell checker.
>Kindly let me know how to move ahead so as to get the hi.cwl file
>working. Do you think it may need to do cd to the folder and execute
>the commands ./configure, make, sudo make install? That is what I
>always used to have to do to get updated instances of my hi.cwl file
>active in Aspell in Ubuntu 14.04 as well as previous installations of
>Ubuntu. In those days though it was hi.cwl which was installed and not
>hi.cwl.gz; don't know what impact this has on what is needed to
>activate the hi.cwl file.
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