Greetings, folks!

First of all, I'm really happy about the response I have
receieved from various people on the * Why folks using IRC are
against "cool" and "new" features? * thread. After reading all of
your thoughts, I realised that there are numerous perspectives to that
problem, that I was blind to before and failed to take into account.
The choice of a "communication tool" is highly subjective and greatly,
depends on the culture and practices of each unique project.

Now, coming to the 21st September meet-up. Purnesh (werper|m)
and Dhanesh (dhanesh|m) spent a while, last night discussing the
upcoming meetup. Following is the summary of that discussion:

Basic assumptions on the basis of previous discussions[1]:
1. The meetup will be a full-day workshop (approx. 5 hours).
2. The meetup location will have good internet access.
3. Each participant will be carrying his/her own laptop and have a
working linux distribution installed.

While discussing what sort of workshops/talks should be conducted, we
followed the basic guideline of "beginner-friendly" topics.

We thought we should begin the event by a from an open-source
contributor or package maintainer on "How to contribute to Open-Source".
We are open to all kinds of suggestions and
speakers on this talk. If you think, you want to give this kind-of
talk or know someone who can, please get in touch with us. We are
hoping to make this the "keynote" of our meet-up.

We also came up with a few ideas for various workshops:
1. A git workshop - End to end work cycle
2. Static Website Generator workshop - Build your own website/blog and 
        host on git{hub,lab}
3. A Vim workshop
4. A regular expressions workshop
5. A contribution sprint - some form of documentation

To end the event, we thought we could showcase some cool FOSS that
are little known or FOSS that can be used as alternatives to our
daily proprietary software. In this particular section, we can do
all kinds of things like show apps from F-Droid[2] (the open-source
playstore for Android) or invite the participants to show which FOSS 
apps they use on a daily basis, which deserve more attention.

The complete logs of the discussion we had can be found at [3].


Tejas Sanap.
(whereistejas on Freenode)
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