Hello Pluggies,As a part of Rotaract club of Pune Sinhagad road we are planning 
a professional development session on the topic "An end to end project 
lifecycle". The topic focuses on explaining or educating the attendees on 
how the entire open source project lifecycle works right from ideation to code 
and launch. This will also include all the major and minor details about the 
projects and of course how they are maintained by a community that probably 
only meets online.Open source is a fascinating subject and for the attendees, 
it would be a great addition in deciding their career paths ahead.The audience 
will be comprised of techies, non-techies and also experts in their 
domains.Please let me know if anyone would be interested in taking up this 
session. The session will be preferably on the weekends as it would be the 
right time for the presenter and the audience.As a fellow pluggie I thought who 
better to conduct this session than this wonderful group.​Waiting for your
  replies.Regards,Ashwin PhadkeTwitter: @ashwinphadke1Website: 
https://ashwin-phadke.github.io[PLEASE SELECT REPLY ALL]
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