On 7/17/06, Cocoy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
yes thats the free in  freedom. and yes tco is a  different thing. which is
why open source software like linux is free, but not free as beer.  we agree

So you get in now?

market forces also include whether an open source project competes with a
"branded" sofware project (whether it is an open source project packaged by
say ibm or one built using closed source method).  a lot of complaint on
simply downloading a source project is technical support--- especially for
small medium enterprises.

so it all falls down on presentation when competing for a project.  thats
kind of market forces i was thinking about.

M$ is all about presentation. There is more than enough mindshare in
this list that can provide that kind of technical support don't you

that by definition would be "closed source code". that was the point. would
you start a community to build missile tracking code or a how to to build a
nuclear weapon and release it in the wild? will it be a successfull project?
 by that very admission not all projects should be open source, not that it
couldn't be.

Why not? Something as critical as that deserves to be scrutinized
more. With enough eyes aren't all bugs shallow. Would you honestly
trust to a few eyes a system that could possibly decimate an entire
population simply because of a coding error?

now if the uav that delivers the weapon happned to run on linux... see all
the ethical stuff that can be laid open?

NASA's been running linux on their shuttles. If its good enough for NASA...

> Free software is not about pissing off Big Evil (aka M$). Its about
> empowering/enabling users.

yes it is. i'm just saying thats whats going to happen and we shouldn't care
that it should.  see: php gov.ph issue a few years back.

Exactly the reason for the move to free software.

sadly i haven't been able to justify buying photoshop for "just playing
around".  so gimp is being used.  :d but i've played with photoshop recently
and its just so much easier to get to do things with it than in gimp.

At least you don't have to justify BUYING the GIMP.

quality over quantity. i find quality to be more efficient in the long term
but thats just me.

Freedom above all. But then, that's just me.

Bayanihan GNU/Linux 4 beta 2
Amor patriae
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