On Sat, Jul 26, 2008 at 10:16 PM, Gene Ordanza II
> Hi All,
> I'm using vim editor for Python programming and would like to automate some
> tasks.  I would like to map a single key to do the following:


> 'appreciate it if you can give some tips or pointers.

You probably want to encapsulate that into a function in your .vimrc:

| " automatically run Python on file if it begins with `#!' and contains
| " `python' in the first line
| function RunPython()
|   if getline(1) =~ "^#!"
|     if getline(1) =~ "python"
|       !python <afile>
|     endif
|   endif
| endfunction
| au BufWritePost * call RunPython()

This even saves you a keymap, so just  doing `:w' automatically calls
RunPython() on the file just after saving it.

And, for the Emacs folks, there's also the equivalent (and more
robust) shebang.el[1] library.

[1]  http://harts.net/reece/emacs/shebang.el

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