Maybe some gurus here can help me. 

I backup the entire system (as root , PWD= /) with the command: 

tar cvpjf /home/myname/Archives/total_backup.tar.bz2 /

When I extract-reinstall the file system I get an ERROR 15 message which
means it cannot find the /boot/grub/* files. Why is this?  

Solutions on line include:

1) Using grub to define the boot/grub/ location. Problem?  You must use
the (hd1,0) notation but the menu.lst file uses UUID notation for Ubuntu
(but still uses hd0,0 notation for the Windows drive- go figure that
one!) How do I translate between UUID --> (hd,0) --> dev/sd* notation?

2) Using Intrepid Install CD to manually install new partitions then
don't actually partition, then install grub. Problem?  How do I
determine the right mount points and sizes for root, swap, etc. to
accurately replicate the existing file system?  It seems to me that if
they don't sync, I lose the whole disk. 

One problem (among many) I had with Windows is that it was incredibly
difficult to back up and restore the entire system (without extra
software like ghost). I had hoped Linux was better. I still believe it
can be and it is my lack of Linux knowledge that is at fault. Any help
would be appreciated. Otherwise I may need to go to the FreeGeek Linux
clinic and bother them with this boring newbie question.


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