On Tue, 2009-11-10 at 07:44 -0800, Patrick J. Timlick wrote:
> Just in the interest of science, I just ran a Hulu SNL clip and monitored my
> PIII firewall with the program top.  The processor was always above 98%
> idle; top often showed 100% idle.  If memory serves, a PIII firewall can
> handle a T1 line.  My firewall is not running squid.   I haven't bothered
> with squid as I think it would pay only when different systems access the
> same content at nearly the same time; not likely for my network.  The SNL
> clip played well, although the content wasn't that good, the latter probably
> not the fault of the firewall.
> Onward.
> -- Patrick Timlick

Is a computer I'm looking at to replace my PIII mail,
squid/dansguardian, network boot, X server.  It looks like I can 
add a few parts plus a hard drive and cdrom I have and put the 
system together for around $510.  I'm debating as to whether or not
to throw in the cheapest DVD writer.  I'm thinking the ATI card, 
the second cheapest, is the way to go, but I'm not sure.

Before I even seriously consider going this route, is this computer
going to be fast enough to run squid and cache a movie from Hulu?
I'm thinking of going with 4 gigabytes of ram, but I could consider
bumping that up to 8.  A sample show that it should handle is one 
of the Stargate Universe episodes.

Is there anything hotter than this at roughly the same price?  Another
consideration, for how long is this computer going to be fast enough 
to run squid before I seriously need to consider purchasing a
replacement?  Is 64 bit CentOS 5.x the way to go or should I consider
another version of Linux?

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