On Tue, Nov 17, 2009 at 04:02:58PM -0800, Michael Rasmussen wrote:
> OS (by the detail, 3 entries for RedHat, 1 for CentOS ..., Generic Linux)
> http://www.top500.org/stats/list/34/os

It is interesting that only 107 out of the 446 Linux machines
identify by distro - and that Scientific Linux, the distro 
customized from RHEL by Fermilabs for supercomputer clusters,
is not even listed.  

I suspect Scientific Linux runs on many, perhaps most of the
remaining 300+ supercomputers.  Perhaps they will include that
on the questionnaire next year.  I will be back at the show on
Thursday and ask.

BTW, SC09 is jawdropping awesome.  Thanks to Michael Dexter
and the Linux Fund folks for the exhibitor guest badges.  The
show fills the entire A-B-C-D-E exhibit area at the convention
center, as well as some of the hallway, and is using the entire
space.  It is not as big as the Design Automation Conference in
Anaheim, and I imagine Consumer Electronics Show and the like
are much bigger, but I have never seen so much big iron compute
hardware in one place.   I was on the floor for 6 hours today,
and saw half of it.  20 pounds of papers and tchotchkes so far.

My favorite so far is a little round cardboard fan from JAXA,
the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, with "Let's enjoy the
sky" on one side, and "How useful satellite is" on the other.
They are doing some good work on launch vibration modelling
that I hope to use for server sky.

The Oregonian incorrectly stated that they have 400gbps to the
convention center;  it looks more like 40 Gpbs, with about 400
oversubscribed 1 Gbps pipes to the various exhibits.   There 
was about 30 racks of fiber distribution equipment scattered
around the floor.  NTT was running an uncompressed HDTV video
link of the morning commute in Osaka, 50msec speed-of-light
delay.  The wireless still sucked, though;  couldn't get DHCP.
At the convention center, some things never change.


Keith Lofstrom          kei...@keithl.com         Voice (503)-520-1993
KLIC --- Keith Lofstrom Integrated Circuits --- "Your Ideas in Silicon"
Design Contracting in Bipolar and CMOS - Analog, Digital, and Scan ICs
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