On Fri, 9 Apr 2010 08:51:29 -0700 (PDT)
"Michael" <mich...@jamhome.us> dijo:

>I must be channeling for JJJ or something.  

Actually, although I left Intrepid on my desktop computer (which only
streams radio and plays the odd dvd), my real computer is my laptop,
which now runs Fedora 11 x86_64. I am quite happy with Fedora 11,
although with the imminent release of Fedora 13 I need to figure out
how to do an apt-get dist-upgrade to Fedora 12. Can you tell I come
from the Ubuntu world? What gave me away?

More to the point, Lucid will be gold this Thursday. As soon as it is
available I will download it, as well as all the variations (Kubuntu,
Alternative, etc, etc.). I have pretty good bandwidth, so it takes me
little time, although the servers might be a bit choked up.

Anyone who needs a copy but has poor bandwidth, let me know and I'll
burn it for you. We can meet somewhere, or I'll bring it to the next
general meeting on May 6. 
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