Lubuntu is faster than Xubuntu. I've installed it on an 7 yr old Compaq
desktop with 480 RAM and 1.4 ghz cpu and it's very responsive.
it's a 521MB live Cd.

On Sat, Jul 3, 2010 at 11:15 PM, Mike Connors <> wrote:

> >
> > While I am not personally interested, at the Clinic we quite often are
> > faced with a newbie wanting to install Linux on a computer with limited
> > resources, e.g., < 256 MB RAM, hard disk with only 4 GB, and so on.
> > When faced with such a scenario we usually whip out a live CD for
> > Xubuntu, although occasionally Puppy and DSL have their day. If Lubuntu
> > is a viable alternative, I'd like to know.
> >
> > You could also check out Fluxbuntu for older, limited resource machines
> as
> it can run on a system with only a 300 MHz CPU and 64 MB of RAM.
> It uses truly lower resource intensive apps such as: Kazehakase browser
> Sylpheed-Claws email app.
> The downsides are:
> Linux newbies might struggle with using the Fluxbox window manager as it's
> not anything like Gnome or KDE desktop.
> It looks like the latest stable ver. is 7.x, so they're a bit behind on the
> dev curve. Also since it probably has a much smaller user community,
> getting
> help when you need it might be a bit harder...
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