This is a "noobie" linux question.

I cannot seem to find a simple linux command to do the following:

mv /one/long/path/on/a/partition/file 

i.e. simply move a file around across directories and partitions.  The 
names and paths are not necessarily the same.

I have been reading the internet and read scores of comments like "use 
rsync" (nope, not preserving paths) "use cp -R/r" (nope, not copying 
recursively, just one file).  Both mv and cp refuse to create new 
directories or directory paths (unless recursive and we're not doing a 
recursive copy)

So far all that I have been able to do is

mkdir /another
cd another
mkdir path
cd path
mkdir on
cd on
mkdir another
cd another
mkdir partition
cd partition
cp /one/long/path/on/a/partition/file .

I think you get the idea.

Isn't there an easy way to do this?

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