On Mon, Oct 18, 2010 at 09:26:46AM -0700, Rogan Creswick wrote:
> I apologize for the tangential nature of this post, but I am hoping
> for a linux-based solution and I don't know where else to ask right
> now.
> I have a video of a talk that is spattered with very loud,
> ear-wrenching, bursts of static at random intervals.

Before you go too much further, I've had the same symptom due to the player
not being able to keep up with the framerate.  Is it any better if you
disable video output and/or use mplayer from the commandline?  How did you
strip out the audio for Audacity?

As for fixing the audio, you could run the whole talk through a compressor
or AGC in Audacity, or spend a couple hours manually scrubbing the
glitches.  Audio editing often involves a lot of drudgery and coffee.

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