I'm building a media PC for someone else.  For various reasons (mostly for 
geeky fun), I've got the thing booting from an internal IDE->CF adapter 
with two 1TB "green energy" drives on the SATA channels.  There is an 
optical drive slaved from the IDE adapter.  And this all works fine 
(except for being slow to write to the boot device, but I won't care about 
that after it's all configured nicely).

However, the onboard video is analog, so I've addeda PCI adapter with DVI 
output (ATI Radeon-based).  When I boot the system using the new video 
card, I get an error about an address space collision (in the ROM 
allocation) and the boot drive is no longer visible to initramfs.  I can 
tell the bios to boot using the analog video and everything boots 

What do?

Is it possible that the device IDs are just getting gorped in one 
configuration and not the other and this has nothing to do with the ROM 
allocation?  There are no jumpers or BIOS settings that I can find to 
change the ROM allocation areas associated with the devices.


Thank you for your kind attention.
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