>>>>> "Randal" == Randal L Schwartz <mer...@stonehenge.com> writes:

Randal> Now, here's the scary part:

Randal>     Locohost.local:~ % nmap -6 -v 2001:470:a:4af::2

The one upside is that nmap'ing a /64 (if it even worked) is kind of a
self-inflicted DOS attack.  It might not complete in your lifetime! ;-)

Once your private IPv6 address is exposed though, you are fully
reachable *AND* have pretty much given away your macaddress (since it
is embedded in your auto-self-configured address).  There are
solutions to the macaddr problem, but takes a little more work.

There *are* implications.

BTW, just to show how dumb I am, for a while I was under the
impression that just plain old iptables -j MASQUERADE pretty much
protected all the hosts behind it from being reachable from "outside".
Gigantic impenetrably unreadable "firewall rule" sets seemed like
probably more risk than they were worth.  I tended to rely on just the
-j MASQUERADE rule.  I did finally test my assumption and found that
at least in one limited instance, it did *not* provide the protection
I thought it did.  A host on the immediately upstream network side
*could* set a route to the nat'ing gateway if they know the network on
the private side of the gateway and packets get forwarded just fine.
However, I believe that hosts further away won't be able to route that
way if they don't control all the routers in between.

Russell Senior, President
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