On Fri, Feb 11, 2011 at 11:52 AM, Richard C. Steffens
<rst...@comcast.net> wrote:

> Ditto. I don't know if Qwest has made DSL possible out my way,

How do I figure out if DSL is available in my area?  I live in S.E.
Portland, i.e. 4420 S.E. Nehalem.  Every now and then over the last
many years, I try to figure out if I can get any DSL service where I
live, and it seems that every time the answer is no.  Some techie guy
at Freegeek told me once that I should be all activist like towards
some central office on Belmont.  That's about the extent of my
understanding.  Does anybody with more technical acumen than me know
if I can get DSL where I live, or how do I go about figuring it out?

Victor Soich
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