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On Tue, 29 Mar 2011 09:26:04 -0700 Denis Heidtmann
<denis.heidtm...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Can anybody here force this off?

I concur, although it wouldn't be fair to Michael Robinson to ban him
from the list for posting complaints about his experience at PSU that we
can't advise him about or otherwise help him to resolve or accept.

However, I think he needs to get a grip and realize that he is solely
responsible for what he learns, how quickly he learns it, and how far he
can go with it. I don't think I'm far wrong to surmise that almost
everyone on this mailing list is self-taught in part if not all parts of
computer science, software programming in general, Linux and other
operating systems. Michael has to suck it up and either learn or not.

Certainly no one taught me IBM mainframe assembly language when I had to
learn it. I learned it by reading and doing it, a process of trial and
error, and I took what I learned and made a good living at it for about
20 years. But no one handed it to me, or tutored me. I learned, because
I worked at it. I focused on it, and was not unfocused, then.

All we can do, I think, is suggest that Michael, take your complaints
about PSU to PSU, not here. Got a Linux problem? Ask away. Thank you.

Even that's likely more than this topic deserves on this mailing list
but that's what I think.


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