Have not tried rsync. Scp at first suceeds in sending about 15% of the file, 
then stalls and eventually times out the same way as FTP. Not sure why but 
it may be that during times of poor bandwidth verizon limits the amount of 
data you can send in one session (?)

Tom S.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Russell Senior" <russ...@personaltelco.net>
To: "Tom Sharples" <tsharp...@qorvus.com>
Cc: "General Linux/UNIX discussion and help; civil and on-topic" 
Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2011 10:24 AM
Subject: Re: [PLUG] Alternative to using split / cat for FTPing large file 
to remote location?

>>>>>> "Tom" == Tom Sharples <tsharp...@qorvus.com> writes:
> Tom> Hello, We're building a wireless 3G IP camera system that will
> Tom> FTP a large (2.5Mbyte) 10 megapixel jpeg image every 30 minutes
> Tom> to a remote server, for use in a time-lapse image
> Tom> application. Using a cron job, we pull the image from the
> Tom> attached IP cam via curl http://<local cam IP address>/img.jpg
> Tom> /tmp/image.jpg, and then FTP it to the remote server. This works
> Tom> fine when the 3G connection is working well (around 300-400K
> Tom> upload bandwidth). But when the 3G connection slows to a crawl,
> Tom> which happens multiple time each day, the FTP transfer hangs or
> Tom> times out.
> Tom> I tested a script that uses split to divide the 2.5Mbyte image
> Tom> into smaller 50k chunks, which are individually ftp'd, then
> Tom> reassembled at the server using cat. This works but will require
> Tom> a fair amount of experimentation and additional code to make it
> Tom> reasonably robust to deal with missing files, slowdowns,
> Tom> timeouts, retries, etc. etc. My question - is there a better
> Tom> apporoach or code out there (for a bare-bones slack 2.4.23
> Tom> environment) that would automate this process and reliably handle
> Tom> the transfer of the large file to the remote server under erratic
> Tom> bandwidth conditions?
> No software is going to make your 3G network not suck, but have you
> tried scp or rsync?
> -- 
> Russell Senior, President
> russ...@personaltelco.net 

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