An absolutely HIDEOUS release! And I say that as long time Ubuntu fan, 
converted from Windows  XP/Vista by Gutsy Gibbon

The Kubuntu (KDE 4.6) version is totally unusable for NVidia cards. 
Kubuntu installs in 640x480 video mode and refuses to allow the upgraded 
driver NVidia administrative module to save a higher resolution for 
subsequent sessions. Even worse, that higher resolution corrupts 
terminal displays, which eventually leak out into the entire display in 
what resembles that old analog  TV "snow". KDE panel and desktop 
functions are hopelessly crippled by this problem as well. This Kubuntu 
release is at best an alpha-2. Certainly not even a beta, much less an RC.

The Ubuntu (nee Gnome) version installer does not allow for keyboard 
input to define mount points for other partitions, forcing the user to 
edit the /etc/fstab file to accomplish that fundamental operation. 
That's fine for those of us who have some Linux-Unix experience but new 
users will be befuddled, then angered, then disgusted. The installation 
itself still has numerous bugs in the desktop, with little if any of the 
claimed performance improvement the switch to Unity was supposed to bring.

As for the Unity interface itself, who told Shuttleworth that adding a 
mouse click or keystroke to invoke an app was an improvement? If a user 
likes that silly little tattoo band running up the left side of their 
screen they can opt for a far more functional analogue by downloading 
the Avant panel, which offers far more utility, customization and 

Mark Shuttleworth should be ashamed to have this abortion bear the name 
of an official Ubuntu product. Natty is a grotesquely classic case of 
fixing what was not broken, a pervasive philosophical weakness that the 
Ubuntu team has shown before, when adding then crippling than removing 
desirable features for no apparent reason other than programmer ego.

This ugly "release" has led me to take another look at viable 
Debian-based alternatives such as Mint and Mepis. Maverick (Ubuntu 
10.10) with Gnome works very well for me but if Natty is the direction 
Shuttleworth is taking, I don't want to be forced to use outdated OS 
software or live with a bug-infested freakish exercise in geek 

On 04/30/2011 01:29 PM, Bill Morita wrote:
> I am having issues with Natty.
> Neither the Home key nor the Windows (meta) key works as advertised.
> In fact a lot of the "short cut" keys to not seem to function.
> I have even tried plugging in a second keyboard.  No joy.
> I do not seem to have a way to get the launcher.
> Yes, I can get a command window (cntl+alt+T), but the whole point of a GUI is 
> to not need
> the command line.
> Anyone else seen these issues ?
> - Bill Morita
> wamorita At
> 907-243-0199
> 907-952-9948 Cell
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